International Finance

Through our network of international investors and affiliates, Wildwood Capital Inc. is extremely active in international finance.  Our scopes include public as well as private sectors funding. 

For public infrastructure development, we specialize in :

  1. Direct funding of government guarantee low cost housing development

  2. Corporate finance:
    • Corporations that are joint ventures with government
    • Wholly owned private corporation
    • Public health corporations
    • Private health companies

  3. Services offered:
    • short term for construction
    • Long term minimum loan $15,000,000.00

For private project development, we specialize in:

  1. Companies with proven revenue model interested in expanding internationally

  2. Exporting of goods and services:
    • Companies from emerging economies such as China with proven technology and positioned for international release seeking for funding and international exposure
    • Companies have new invention or new discovery in need of funding for international marketing effort
    • Companies positioned for public or merger acquisition exit within 3-7 years time frame
    • Companies with solid financial and management background
  1. Services offered:
    • short term bridge loan
    • Long term minimum loan or equity investment of $1mm upto $15mm

To explore the possibilities of obtaining international financing for public of private project online form or contact us.


Contact information:
(416) 723-0085


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